1r Primària (Tercer trimestre)

Welcome to the third term! How are you? Hope you enjoyed going out yesterday! :) You deserve it!
This week you have the following task:
1st. Listen to and sing the song of the days of the week.
2nd. Study: DAYS OF THE WEEK
3rd. Do the activity: WORKSHEET
Please write a comment when you have finished (for example: Done! or I have finished Inés!) So, I will read them! ;) Teniu tota la setmana fins diumenge.
Have a lovely day!
Tuesday 5th of May
Hello everybody! How are you? Let's continue practising the days of the week and food throughout the story of The very hungry Caterpillar. Recordau el conte?
Let's sing a song!

Hello class! How are you? Hope you enjoyed the weekend! Are you ready to start the English class? This week we are going to practice the assembly of our English sessions. Now, everyday you are going to do the "Calendar" at home.
First, let's practice the weather vocabulary:
What's the weather like today? Let's sing the song.
Activitat de la setmana: Anem a crear un calendari per tenir a casa i cada dia indicarem quin dia i quin temps fa. (La setmana que ve us estudiarem les estacions i també les podrem afegir, així com els mesos de l'any).
Aquí us deixo una plantilla amb el calendari, els dies de la setmana, els números i les imatges del temps que haureu d'imprimir o dibuixar. Enganxeu-lo a la pared i recordeu cada dia fer-vos la pregunta: What day is it? and What's the weather like today? D'aquesta manera practicarem els dies de la setmana i el vocabulari del temps.
Calendar poster
Remember to use the following expressions: Today is .... (Monday), It is.... (windy), ...
Have a great week!! 😘
Monday 18th of May
Hello class! How are you? How was the weekend? :)
This week we are going to continue working on the Calendar, specifically the seasons: Spring Summer Autumn and Winter.
Now sing and do the actions!
Let's practice the numbers! (We also have to say the day: Today is the 18th)
Activity 1: Do the calendar routine everyday : Today is Monday the 18th (of May). Today is sunny and the season is Spring. (Més endavant treballarem els mesos de l'any).
Seasons flashcards
Activity 2: Let's make a season Flip Book. This is an example:
Here you have the printables to make your own:
Flip book printable
Have a lovely week!!
Monday 25th of May

Hello class! How are you? Hope you enjoyed the weekend! This week we are going to continue working on the assembly of our English sessions. This week we will have our Calendar completed: days, seasons, numbers, weather and months.
Let's start with a story about the months!
Activity: Make a dominoe of the months and play with your family.
Do you want to play? Guess the season of the year! Good luck!
Have a nice week and take care! 😘
Monday 1st of June
Hello year 1!! How are you today? This week we are going to watch a story called "Lost and Found" by Oliver Jeffers. It is about the importance of friendship. I really like this beautiful story and I hope you enjoy too.
Now, review the vocabulary from the story:
If you want you can draw a picture of your favourite scene of the story.
Have a nice week! 😘
Monday 8th of June
Hello everybody! How was your weekend? This week I will share a new storytale with you. It is called the Rainbow fish, do you know the story? I really like it, I hope you too.
I miss you so much!! I hope all of you are doing well 😘
Good morning class! How are you? I'm really proud of your effort and work you have done during the third term. Hope you have a lovely summer!
Kisses, Inés

Aquí us deixo l'enllaç d'una pàgina web, on trobareu diferentes activitats i jocs que us serviran per practicar la vostra competencia en anglès durant les vacances.
Aprofito per agraire-vos la vostra ajuda i implicació. 😘
Kisses, Inés
I'm Toni 1b, I have finished my homework.
ResponderEliminarHello Ines, I am Maria Tur 1ºB, I have finished my homework, I really liked the song.
ResponderEliminarDone !! Joel 1B
ResponderEliminarHi! I´m Sienna Roig. 1ºB. Homework done.. It was fun. Thank you!!
ResponderEliminarI'm Pau Borras 1A, I do my English homework.
ResponderEliminarHi, I have done my homework.
ResponderEliminarHello Inés, I'm L.Daniela of 1B grade and the homework are done. BYE BYE.
ResponderEliminarHello, I'm Giorgia 1/A I have finished
ResponderEliminarHi, I am Gael 1A. I have done my homework. Thank you
ResponderEliminarDone!!!! Javier Tajuelo 1 b
ResponderEliminarHello Ines,good morning i am Lluc i have done the homework.
ResponderEliminarHello, I am Dylan 1°B I have finished my homework.
ResponderEliminarHello, I am Diego 1ºA, I have finished my homework.
ResponderEliminarHello Ines, I'm Nicolás 1B and I have finished my homework
ResponderEliminarHello, I am Yaiza 1A. I have done my homework.
ResponderEliminarI have finished my homework. I´m Gael from 1A.
ResponderEliminarHello, I amor Carlos 1°B I have finished my homework.
ResponderEliminarHello, I'm Alex from 1A. I have finished my homework.
ResponderEliminarHello Inés, I´m Raúl Tur 1A Done
ResponderEliminardone! Lucía
ResponderEliminarHello Ines, finished !!
ResponderEliminarI am JONATHAN
EliminarHello ines Daniela 1B finish the homework .
ResponderEliminarHello, I am Mateo 1B. I have done my homework.
ResponderEliminarHello, I am Ariadna 1b I have finish the homework
ResponderEliminarHello I am Dylan 1°B I have finish my homework.
ResponderEliminarHello I am Lucia 1A, I have finish my homework
ResponderEliminarHello I’m Pau Borras, and I have finish my homework
ResponderEliminarHello. I´m Gael 1A. I have finished my homework.
ResponderEliminarHello, I'm Luisa Daniela of 1stB grade. I finished my English homework. Bye bye.
ResponderEliminarHello ines. I have finished my homework.
ResponderEliminarGood morning,I have finished my homework!!!
ResponderEliminarHello Inés!
ResponderEliminarI’m River 1A. I finished my homework!. I really enjoyed the history of the Caterpillar
Hello ines.I'm Carlos, 1 B. I have finished my homework.
ResponderEliminarHello Inés, I'm Maria Tur, 1 B. I've done my homework. Take care
ResponderEliminarHello Inés, do you like spaghetti is my favourite song!
ResponderEliminarhello Daniela tonazzini 1B done !!!!!!!!!
ResponderEliminarHello Ines!! I´m Nicolás Marí 1B . I have finished my english homework.
ResponderEliminarHello Ines. I'm Diara 1/A .....I finished my english homework
ResponderEliminarHello Ines. i`m Yaiza 1A. Good morning, I have finished my homework
ResponderEliminarHello Ines, I am Jonathan, I have finished my homework
Good morning, Ines. I am Sofia, 1A. How are you today?. I have done all my homework. Good bye.
ResponderEliminarHello Inés, I have finished my calendar!
Hello Inés . I am Gael 1A . Finished my calendar and practice the weather vocabulary
ResponderEliminarHello ines. i have finished my calendar.
ResponderEliminarHello Inés,I am María Tur 1b.I have finished my weather calendar.
ResponderEliminarHello Ines....I'm Diara 1/A.I have finished my calendar weather
ResponderEliminarGood morning Inés. I am Sofia 1A. I like the calendar very much.
ResponderEliminarHello Inés, I have done my homework.
ResponderEliminarHello Inés,I´m Carlos, I have done my homework.
ResponderEliminarHello Ines, I´m Nicolas 1B and I have finished homework.
ResponderEliminarhi Ines i have finised my homework
ResponderEliminarI'm Pau Borras andI finished my homework
ResponderEliminarDone daniela Tonazzini 1B
ResponderEliminarHello Inés I have done my homework
ResponderEliminarHello Inés,I am Carlos Moreno Tur 1B. I have finished my weather calendar.
ResponderEliminarGood morning Inés, I'm Luisa Daniela of 1stB grade and I did all today's task. See you soon!
ResponderEliminarHello Ines...I'm Diara 1/A and I have finished my homework
ResponderEliminarHello, I am Diego (1rA); I have done my homework.
ResponderEliminarHello, I am Mateo (1ºB) and I finished my homework.
ResponderEliminarHello, I'm Lucía 1A, I hace done my calendar.
ResponderEliminarGood Morning Inés, soc River 1A
ResponderEliminarI have done my homework!
DONE! Joel 1B
ResponderEliminarHello Ines, I´m Nicolas 1B and i´ve done my homework.
ResponderEliminarHello Inés, I'm Maria 1B, I have finished the homework.
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarHello Ines I'm Lluc I've done my homework.
ResponderEliminarHello Inés, I'm Gael 1A, I have finished my season Flip Book.
ResponderEliminarGood morning Inés, i am Sofia 1A. I like the season flip book very much. Good bye.
ResponderEliminarHello everybody! How are you? I'm really happy with your hard work and effort. I'm really proud of you all! I'm looking forward to see you 🤗😘 Kisses!
ResponderEliminarHello I'm Daniela Tonazzini 1B done the homework.
ResponderEliminarHello Inés, I’m River 1A.
ResponderEliminarI have done my homework!! I practiced with the calendar.
Hello I'm Dylan I have finished My homework.
ResponderEliminarSorry I'm Dylan 1°B
EliminarHello Ines I Love De Domino.
ResponderEliminarHello Ines, I´m Nicolás 1B and I have finished homework
ResponderEliminarGood morning Inés, I think you didn't see it, but Luisa Daniela of 1stB grade has sent you an attached document by WE TRANSFER. We hope you received it!
ResponderEliminarHope to see you soon!
Good morning Inés, i am Gael 1A. I like the dominoe of the months very much. Good bye.
ResponderEliminarHello Ines I'm Diara 1/A...very nice the dominoe of the months. Thank you and have a good day
ResponderEliminarHi Inés, dominoe of the months done. Regards, Maria Tur 1B
ResponderEliminarHello Ines, I´m Carlos,1B and I have finished homework
ResponderEliminarDone !! Joel 1B
ResponderEliminarI have played with the dominoe,Lily
ResponderEliminarI like so mucho the dominó Game! Naiara
ResponderEliminarGood morning Inés. I like the domino very much. M'ha agradat molt colorear-ho. Bye ye.
ResponderEliminarDone! Joel 1B
ResponderEliminarI’m Pau borras and I enjoy the story lost and found. I have this book.
ResponderEliminarHello Inés, I have done my homework!! River 1A
ResponderEliminarThe story was a litle bit sad.
Hola Inés, he visto la historia.
ResponderEliminarHello Inés, the English homework are done.
ResponderEliminarHave a nice day,
L. Daniela, 1stB grade.
I'm Carlos-1b, I have finished my homework.
ResponderEliminarHello teacher...already done my homework of english
ResponderEliminarI'm Daniela Tonazzini 1B finish my homework
ResponderEliminarHola Inés, soy Lucía, ya he hecho todas las tareas de inglés. Un besito
ResponderEliminarHello Ines ...I'm Diara 1/A and I done my all homework of english
ResponderEliminarHello, I am Diego, I have seen all the videos today!
ResponderEliminarhi homework finished
ResponderEliminarHello Ines , I´m Nicolas 1B and I have done my homework.
ResponderEliminarHello Inés, I'm L.Daniela of 1stB grade and today's homework are done!
ResponderEliminarBye bye!
Good morning Inés. Tinc noticies noves. I have a cat. I am very happy.
ResponderEliminarGood Morning Inés! I really liked the rainbow fish story!
ResponderEliminarI ´m River 1A
Hello Inés i'm Lluc
ResponderEliminarI done the homework.
hello ines I am Daniela 1B done the homework
ResponderEliminarHello Ines, I'm Naiara from 1A. I done my homework!
ResponderEliminarHello Inés I´m Gael 1A. I really like the story.
ResponderEliminarHola Inés. Ya he visto el vídeo.Soy María Tur de 1B
ResponderEliminarmuy bonito el cuento
ResponderEliminarHello Ines..it was nery nice the story..I'm Diara 1/A
ResponderEliminarHi Ines I am Fabrizio, I like de video of the rainbow Fish....
ResponderEliminarhola Inés soy Lucía, ya he visto los vídeos, me gustan mucho. Gracias.
ResponderEliminarHello Ines!! I´m Nicolas Marí 1B and I like so much the story of the rainbow fish.