3rd graders have been working on realistic portraits to create a WHO IS WHO? game. First of all they were introduced on the concept of portrait giving similarities with photos.

I showed them some famous people and artists photos and we compared them with portraits.

 Els nens i les nenes de 3r han estat treballant amb els retrats dels seus companys i companyes per crear un joc de QUI ÉS QUI?. Primer de tot es va introduir el concepte de retrat portant alguns exemples i comparant-los amb fotografies.

Els hi vaig mostrar alguns retrats de personatges populars i de pintores i pintors coneguts perquè els poguessin comparar amb fotografies.

 Two essential things that I was sure about the development of drawing their faces were symmetry and realism. So, I decided to give them very clear instruction during the process. 
Hi ha dos continguts els quals estava ben segura que volia que es treballessin durant aquesta activitat: la simetria i el realisme. Així doncs, vaig decidir donar instruccions molt clares mentres dibuixaven les seves cares.


 I found these instructions in a blog and I adapted the language for my pupils' level:

1. Place your hand on the paper.

2. Draw 2 dots.

3. Connect with a face (square, oval, round).

4. Draw an horizontal and a vertical dotted line.

5. Draw eyes, eyebrows and eyelashes on top of the dotted line.

6. Draw the nose in the middle of the eyes under the dotted line.

7. Draw the mouth under your nose.

8. The ears start at the eyebrow and end at the nose.

9. Draw the hair.

10. Trace the portrait with a black crayon.

11. Colour with crayons.

During the next days children wrote the a physical description to be attached to the portrait. You can enjoy of our portrait exhibition and play WHO is WHO? at the 1st floor, just between 3rd A and 3rd B rooms.
Després de fer els retrats varen escriure descripcions físiques per acompañar els retrats. Podeu gaudir de l'exposició i jugar al QUI ÉS QUI? en la 1a planta, entre les classes de 3r A i B.


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