NEEEEEEEEEEWS! Hello again! How are you? How did you spend the "holidays"? We come to inform you that from now on, we are going to change the way of working English classes. How will it be done? Very simple. We are going to start using Google Classroom. Then, only a publication of the task will be made, specifically, MONDAY. This way you will have the whole week to organize yourself with your tasks more easily. I REMEMBER: English, via GOOGLE CLASSROOM. Only one publication a week, on Mondays. We await you with great energy. Also, here you have some apps or websites to do english this week: - ABCYA (website) -Duolingo (App) -Lingokids (App) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Com ja sabeu, aquests dies no podrem estar plegats però no us preocupeu! Tenim una solució. Estarem en contacte per aquí! Com segurament sabreu, les classe...
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